Spray Foam Insulation Can Reduce Your Energy Bills by Up to 40%
Spray foam insulation in Titusville, PA is a powerful and effective solution that can greatly improve your home’s energy efficiency. In fact, when compared to traditional fiberglass insulation solutions, the R-value of spray foam can cut your energy bills by up to 40%.
The reason for this is that spray foam reaches and seals every crack, crevice, and gap to create a custom air-tight envelope. This helps to prevent the flow of heat from one area to another in your home, reducing your heating and cooling costs significantly.
Comparing Open-Cell and Closed-Cell Spray Foam: Insights from TMC Spray Foam and Coatings
Unlike other types of insulation, spray foam doesn’t lose its effectiveness over time. This is because it’s composed of power chemical products that are designed to last for decades without sagging or losing their ability to stop thermal transfer. In addition, spray foam does not contain any cellulose or other organic materials, which can attract mold and mildew over time.
By preventing the movement of heat, spray foam can make your house more comfortable in both the cold North Carolina winter and warm summer. This means that you’ll have fewer days when you need to run your heater and AC, saving you money on electricity.
If you’re interested in beginning a spray foam insulation business, the team at TMC Spray Foam and Coatings can help you get started. We can provide you with spray foam equipment like a rig and trailer or a spray robot that will simplify the process of applying the coatings and spray foam. We can also teach you the skills necessary to start your own spray foam company.
TMC Spray Foam and Coatings
14920 State Hwy 8 Titusville PA 16354
(814) 720-2789